Prime Roots

Brand Identity
Web Design
Digital Marketing

Brand Designer/ Constance Lai
Associate Designer/ Christine Wang
Photography/ Sonja Huang

Prime Roots is a sustainably plant-based meats and meals company based in Berkely, CA. They combine ancient techniques and modern technology to reimagine no-compromise protein sources that are accessible to everyone and inclusive of all eaters.

After discussing their brand process with both of their co-founders Kim and Josh, we decided to create something eye-catchy and colorful visual direction to present what Prime Roots want to give the consumers, innovative tasty food, 100% all-natural, and a friendly, warm, and trustworthy vibe. We settled on a theme I described as "bold and tasty" to present the core message that Prime Roots want to convey, "we create delicious, tasty meat that's actually not meat".

設計背景 在美國西岸的人造肉食品新創 Prime Roots 公司擔任品牌設計師也大約2年半了,一路上從一個只有三人的小組到現在拓展到40人規模的公司。這其中接觸和負責了很多不同產品線的發表專案跟品牌策略定位,除了識別系統設計的流程之外,也與公司的產品部一起合作、討論,到最後設計出最貼近使用者/消費者的各種產品包裝和網站設計。以下放一些公開的產品線,持續更新中。

What I’ve learned in Prime Roots

Design and assist on the evolution and roll-out the Prime Roots brand: including guidelines, visual asset libraries, packaging, and global communications templates.

Design and build the website UI UX and by continuously improving it, Prime Roots website channel has increase organic traffic and engagement, which organic is >30% of sales attribution.

By collaborating with marketing partners and creative teammates to concept, design, and deliver projects across marketing channels, including: infographics, event material, microsites, emails, sales collateral, presentations, social and editorial assets. Our community has grown from nothing to a strong community on instagram!
